A bunch of Linux info and links

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Start at    Linux.org -- Linux Online This is a good starting point when trying to figure out just what Linux is and can do for you.

The Linux Journal. An excellent magazine covering the Linux scene. Useful for novices and more. Usually has a nice series of articles convering setting up your system and using the various Unix programs and protocols such as sendmail, NFS...

When you've absorbed all you can there, just go to Redhat Linux and buy or download their distrubution. Why?
I did it because the Unix gurus at my work were using it & that sure helps when getting things working. If everyone you know is using a different distribution, I'd seriously consider using that.

Then here's a list of other sites that are useful:
SAL-- Scientific Applications on Linux A great compilaton of Engineering and Scientific packages available for Linux. Many are free, many have been available for unix in general. The most comprehensive listing that I've found.
Linux Resources Another good comprehensive Linux site. Not quite as approchable for a newbie, but has current news & very good once you have your feet wet in Linux.
The Linux Documentation Project Homepage The Linux Documentation Project
Linux archives @Sunsite The top level directory for the Sunsite Linux archive
Linux Applications and Utilities R5C2
The Linux Software Encyclopedia R6C2

© 1998 cappedbust@bigfoot.com